Generating Ideas with Oisin Curran

Should we really write what we know? Or should we let our imagination take the lead? In this workshop, we will consider these questions, as well techniques for generating ideas for future fiction projects using both lived experience and invention. We will look at important story elements such as character, conflict and setting. Participants will leave the workshop with a journal of exercises and ideas to help them use these elements in their work.

Oisín Curran was born in 1971 and grew up in rural Maine. He received a BA in Classics and an MFA in Creative Writing from Brown University. His first novel, Mopus, was published in 2008 by Counterpath Press. He currently lives in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia with his wife and two children.

Admission is $45, $25 for members, and $15 for students.

ICCA recognizes the support of the Province of Nova Scotia. We are pleased to work in partnership with the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage to develop and promote our cultural resources for all Nova Scotians.